This was a really good article. You have a lot of really good information along with some insightful reasons for why these are important things to know.
I would like to point out that using takeUntil()
to stop subscriptions is no longer recommended. You can create a subscription in you code and add your subscriptions to that. Then when you clean up, you can then just unsubscribe from that one subscription. When a parent subscription unsubscribes all contained subscriptions unsubscribe.
const subs = new Subscription();
// In cleanup
subs.unsubscribe(); // This unsubscribes from all subscriptions
// added through .add()
Some people don’t like all the parens added by this pattern. You can use [Subsink]( by Ward Bell to manage subscriptions in a similar manner. I’m not as familiar with the syntax, but it is pretty simple.
Thanks for sharing! I will be passing this link on to members of my team.